I'm reading a new book by Andy Crouch about culture, the church, and Christianity. The book is shaking my thinking about missions.
The standard approaches to culture are condemning, critiquing, consuming, and copying. Crouch suggests there is no standard approach to all decisions. Each situation demands a different response.
Crouch debunks the idea that reflection will lead to action and information will lead to transformation. He claims there has been too much analyis, which has become synonymous for many with engaging the culture.
He proposes creativity is the only viable source for change. The only way to change culture is to create more of it.
There is more to the book, but for now:
1) Do I suffer from too much talk and not enough action?
2) Does our team, our group, our organization, analyze too much at the expense of implementing our plans?
3) How creatively am I approaching my situation? Why do I think the old solutions will solve new problems?
4) What new programs and projects am I directing that will change the course of culture within individuals, families, churches, cities, countries, and peoples?
The author introduced the idea of culture by stating that culture does not remain static or unchanging. There are multiple ripples, movements, and changes. I will either adapt, accommodate, or assimilate to the new world around me.
Thank you for listening. Thank you for using all of our experience, insight, wisdom, and passion to create a world worth living in.
For His glory and our good,
Boyd H.