The Old Testament is a striking reminder of our most basic problem – the human attempt to meet all of our needs apart from God’s presence. The Law was not meant to restrict us, to limit us, or to cause us to miss some of life’s greatest joys. The Law was meant to extend privilege to all people without my rights extending to yours. The Law provides the foul posts in which legitimate and sanctioned activity can take place for the benefit of all persons involved. When I begin to include actions and activities that are outside the limits, I not only harm myself, but others as well.
Jesus said, “The greatest commandment is to love the Lord your God, with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength, and to love your neighbor as yourself.”
Jesus said the motivation, wellspring, and encouragement to love others begins from a love for a God we cannot see. No wonder, God started with commandments one and two, in the order He did. When our relationship with God is in the right order, the rest of our relationships will begin to line up.
Idolatry moves then much closer to home than the voodoo doctors in West Africa or the Buddhist monks in Nepal or the strange Baal gods of the Old Testament. It moves right into the living room when anything that competes for my allegiance with God becomes an idol. Any time I attempt to manipulate the spiritual realms in order to satisfy a desire for power, security, comfort, or pleasure, I have placed another god before Him.
For reflection and review,
1) Remember your best baseball memory - food, sun, winning game, the company.
2) When have you strayed outside the foul posts of God's design, with regret and shame your only souvenirs?
3) In what area of your life do you need to draw back and live within parameters, self-control, and discipline? For your good and His glory?
Thank you for listening