Matthew 28:19-20
It's familiar to you. It's familiar to me. Many of us memorized it many years ago. But what do we do with it today?
The crowd which surrounded Jesus did not have the same level of confidence I see in the eyes of new missionaries at commissioning services, at deputation events, or just getting off the plane. Words like 'doubt, fear, trembling, bewildered, startled, and frightened' don't conjure up the idea of a fearless few ready to take on any adventure.
Just in case they were nervous or scared, Jesus reminded them of who is in charge of kingdom expansion - "All authority in heaven and earth has been given to me". Any time I start to worry, fret, or become surprised or frustrated, I have moved away from the truth of His control, His design, and His purposes. Our plans, dreams, and goals for our lives are only a small part of His grand design for all nations, all peoples, in all places. Jesus is the one in charge and our lives come under His authority and direction.
The common denominator of missions is movement. From where I am today with God to where He wants to take me. From where I am in my love for Him to where His love needs to go. From my world to the world of others. From His comfort and reassurance to a hurting world in need. Because of His control, plan, and design, I can go. Because of His care, I want to go. Because of His authority, I must go. Missions is not static - it always involves change, movement, and activity.
The focus of missions must remain around the person of Christ. "Making disciples" meant the complete life transformation of individuals from eternity without Christ to eternity with Christ. Missionaries remain confident that every person can become a missionary by the transforming power of the Holy Spirit, through the effective Word of God, in the context of caring and growing disciples.
The scope of missions isn't narrow nor limited to my preferences or personality. "To all nations" broadens the burden from my comforts, wants, and choices to His kingdom. To some it has meant leaving birth place and traveling to another location. To some it has meant reaching out to different groups of people. To all it means, the kingdom of heaven will be more diversified than I ever expected. The great sacrifice for sins extends to all people.
The mark of conversion is internal change, evidenced by outward fruit. One of the first evidences of true spiritual change is the desire to study God's word with others. Another evidence of conversion is the desire to share the experience with friends and family. One of the clearest pictures of wider witnessing in the scriptures is the ordinance of baptism. Spiritual birth is the entrance into a new family - the church.
The mandate of missions does not end with conversion. The mandate of missions extends throughout the tenure of life. "Teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you" goes a little further than 'dunking, counting, and running'. The process of life transformation requires time, truth, and togetherness. Habits of sin and selfishness are not solved overnight. Only the Word of God has the power to alter our thinking about life, eternity, and God. The gift of other believers allows us the opportunity and privilege to adjust our lives to the image of Christ.
So what?
1) How are you involved in Kingdom expansion? Does your life give evidence of His control and purposes?
2) How close are you to lost and hurting people who don't look like you, act like you, dress like you, or smell like you? It's time to go closer for His sake, their sake, and yours.
3) Take time today to encourage someone involved in the process of conversion and life change. Remind them of His presence and their participation in something which matters.
Thank you for listening,
Boyd H.
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